Friday, March 14
Namedays: Matilde, Ulrika

Madonas novada Ērgļu apvienības pārvalde
Reģ.nr. 50900036721
Rīgas iela 10, Ērgļi, Ērgļu pagasts, Madonas novads, LV-4840
Tālr./ fakss 64871231
E-pasts: ergli@madona.lv

Search ergli.lv

Boating down the Ogre river may start from the very top – from Līdere, approximately. At Cirsti, Ogre becomes a big river already. The section of river Ogre from Cirsti to Ērgļi is riddled with an abundance of small rapids. The drop is about 1.5 m/km; width of the river 10-15 m.
The conventional route begins in Ērgļi. About 300 m upstream from the motorway bridge is the dam of the hydropower plant. It is 4 meters high. Derivative channel side is more comfortable to launch the boats from. One can also choose the alternative option: right bank, near the bridge.
Ogre is slow or about 6-7 km downstream after Ērgļi, then the Brāžu rapids begin – the best section of the upper reaches of Ogre. The average drop at the rapids is 3-3.5m/km. These rapids are diverse and represent a great interest from the perspective of sports.
The length of the rapids is about 10 km.
The rapids end with the former Emmas mill, which is currently the dam of the Vecogres hydropower plant, about 4 m high.
A daylong route starting from Ērgļi usually ends at the ford of Kalnadalbi – this is where you make take the shortest route back to Ērgļi from – 15  km (important, if you’ve left your car there).

Boating down the Ogre river is organized by:
"Braku takas" amusement park, contact info: mobile phone No. (+371) 29429125, web: brakutakas.lv, e-mail: vejkalnanams@apollo.lv
Boat rental and delivery:
"A.A.Mežmalas" Ltd., contact info: mobile phone No. (+371) 26649575; (+371) 29366723, web: www.mezmalaslaivas.lv ; e-mail: info@mezmalaslaivas.lv
"Campo" Ltd., contact info: mobile phone No. (+371) 29404049; (+371) 29222339, web: www.campo.lv ; www.laivas.lv ; e-mail: campo@laivas.lv

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Ērgļu apvienības pārvalde,
Rīgas iela 10, Ērgļi, Ērgļu pagasts, Madonas novads, LV-4840,
tālr. 64871231, e-pasts ergli@madona.lv
(c) 2025 Ērgļu apvienības pārvalde

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